. In the MDM Repository tree view of Talend Studio that is connected to the server with the XML database, click the Export Items button in the repository icon bar. In the Export Repository items window that opens, specify the location to which you want to export your repository items, select the items you want to export, and then click Finish. In the MDM Repository tree view of Talend Studio that is connected to the server with the relational database, click the Import Items button in the repository icon bar. In the Import Repository items window that opens, specify the location where the repository items you want to import are stored, select the items you want to import, and then click Finish. You can also copy/paste the job scripts (.war or.zip) from their corresponding folder in the old application to the same folder in the new application: jboss-4.2.2.GA/server/default/deploy for wars and jboss-4.2.2.GA/jobox/deploy for zips.


But this will not import the job design that you may need at some point. Another limitation with this copy/paste mode is that it is recommended only between two MDM servers that have the same major version (first number of the unique identifier of the version). If the major versions differ, it is very likely that the MDM components will not work with the new MDM Server.

Talend Open Studio For Esb Installation And Upgrade Guide For Mac

Talend Open Studio For Esb Installation And Upgrade Guide For Mac Windows 10

If you are migrating between 2 identical versions or 2 versions where only the minor version differs, however, copying the wars or zips will be a lot faster than redeploying the Jobs. In the Jboss folder of the old MDM version, browse to: jboss-4.2.2.GA/server/default/deploy/zz.50.ext.imageserver.war/upload. Copy the upload folder of the old MDM version and paste it in the same path in the new MDM version.

Launch the MDM server and then Talend Studio of the new MDM version as usual and you should have access to the migrated data objects. If you use web resources (images, css, js, etc. In your smart views, do the following to migrate them to the new MDM server:. In the Jboss folder of the old MDM version, browse to: jboss-4.2.2.GA/server/default/deploy/jboss-web.deployer/ROOT.war.

Copy the web resources from the old MDM version and paste them in the same path in the new MDM version. Launch the MDM server and then Talend Studio of the new MDM version as usual and you should have access to the migrated data objects.

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