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On 5/16/12 1:33 PM, 'Don Montalvo' wrote: Someone asked me about this Entourage database recovery tool: Never heard of it. Sounds like a scavenging utility that may produce an unusable blob.just my guess.

I've heard bad reports from users on the forums. It's sold under two different names. Both out of India. The sims 2 nude patch for mac. Anyone successfully recover a 'broken' Entourage database, where the Microsoft Database Utility failed to fix it first? I do recovery for Entourage. If you have enough free disk space most databases will rebuild.

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I keep a drive with 500 GB free and have 99% success rate. If it fails to rebuild with the free space, EmailChemy most likely will get the messages out.

Download Free Stellar Phoenix Entourage Recovery For Mac Mac

You can try the demo first to see results. Emailchemy - Convert, Export, Import, Migrate, Manage and Archive all your Email If the Identity will open, I generally find it's two folders (Inbox, Sent Items) that are over the 2GB limit that is causing the rebuild to fail. Create subfolders (generally by year works best) and for any other folder like an archive folder that would have over 2GB of data.

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I find it will fall between 6,000-10,000 messages per folder. Run this script: Export folders as MBOX files (includes subfolders) The script will fail on a folder with corruption. If there is no corruption the script will export all folders. Once you find corrupted folder, rename it with z in front of the name so it sorts at the bottom then run the script again.

Keep repeating until you have identified all corrupt folders. Once you have identified corruption, you can subdivide folders and keep running script until you get down to 25 messages. Then you drag individual messages to the Desktop.

A corrupt message will crash Entourage. After you clean all folders and reduce the size of the Inbox and Sent folders, do the File Export as.rge file and you should get 'Done'. You can use this file to import into Outlook. NEVER trust the rebuilt Identity to be a good working Identity. Once it rebuilds, export the data and import into a new Identity. Diane Ross Office Mac Help OfficeforMacHelp.

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