Treo 650 Dial-up Networking Over Bluetooth For Mac

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Dude, that was not a cool analogy. Anyway, there's just one thing that I think pa1mOne could do to help save themselves, offer a. You may be joking about MSFT, but this happens all the time. Especially on investment / stock boards. The strategy is to constantly and totally tear down, slander and destroy credibility at any and all points.

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Any sane person can tell it's slanted, but psycologically the seeds of doubt are planted, truth is at least diluted and hopefully the competition or the short-seller, as the case may be, helps 'move the market of opinion'. Sounds like a pretty fulfilling career when ones life is over.:-( Pat Horne. You may be joking about MSFT, but this happens all the time. Especially on investment / stock boards. The strategy is to constantly and totally tear down, slander and destroy credibility at any and all points. Any sane person can tell it's slanted, but psycologically the seeds of doubt are planted, truth is at least diluted and hopefully the competition or the short-seller, as the case may be, helps 'move the market of opinion'. Yeah, this stuff drives me nuts.

There are several ways I deal with this kind of crap. 1) Research elsewhere 2) Take it in stride 3) Make snide comments (a favorite of mine) 4) Read the slant, process it, reguritate, and push the back button. Don't let the fanatics get in your way! I'm a fan, not a fanatic, so you can let me get in the way.;) Seriously, though, each handheld OS has its benefits (Palm, WM2003, BB, Symbian), and I'll admit that. But I'll still beat you until you're bleeding Palm. I'm simple that way. 'People who think they're smart annoy those of us who are.'

Treo 650 Dial-up Networking Over Bluetooth For Macbook Pro


Give the Treo 650 some time to mature. And pa1mOne as well.- How much time do we have to give Palm to mature? Just curious. I mean when did the first Palm Pilot come out? Wasn't it something like 1996? We keep talking about them like they need some growing time to get it right. They've been in business long enough and have been consistently loosing their market share.

Giving them time is obviously not the answer. I love my Treo 650, but you gotta wonder where this company is headed. I feel like they're heading to get bumped out of the main stream and into the realm of an eccentric few. Like the group who still likes toying with my old TI 99/4a.

Fun, but not a viable business. And all by Palm's own hand. I hope I'm wrong.

Treo 650 Dial-up Networking Over Bluetooth For Mac

It is understandable that as a business, they need to please who they are licensing their technology out to. But the simple fact is that PalmOne, over the past few years, has been lying to us a great deal. A little too much. 16 bit screens? Remember that?

It was THIS forum that broke that story wide open. Now everybody's getting in on the game. We should make a race.

See how many people can successfully hack PDA's to make them better than the OEM can. I believe this fellow and his T650 are already in the lead, but 'Deez' from Brighthand also has a few points to his name for the Toshiba VGA stuff. I'm sure there are a few hardcore Japanese coders that have done things only imaginable in dreams with their Clies. Control that robotic dog with the UX50's Wifi? What the hell? These men are braver than I, and all deserve some appreciation.Bosco NX80v + Wifi + BT + T637. I own a GSM treo 650 - so, most of these patches/roms dont technically apply to myself; but, it should be noted that palmone has developed all the features one would normally want on the treo 650 itself; however, when marketing with carriers (who, provide the $$$) they have been asked to disable/remove specific features from the roms.

The fact that it is only a two byte patch doesn't surprise me. The treo 650 also has the exact same kernel as the tungsten t5, so, it also doesn't surprise me that the wifi drivers work by changing the device id/hal id checks in the application. Palmone could have released such drivers; but, are reluctant to due to limited quality assurance testing that has been done on all the products. Of course, you do this at your own risk:) i remember earlier versions of the ROWDY (rest of the world) rom image for the treo 650 had DUN support - however, the latest versions do not. This could also be disabled because of bugs. If you run into problems using the DUN patch, maybe it was disabled for a reason?


All in all - it should be clearly noted that these modifications should be used at your own risk. The plugged in program has had support for reflashing rom images way before the device was released (EVT and DVT units) - however, redistribution of these tools will be in violation of the plugged in program NDA; users make mistakes - and, palmone probably doesn't want to be responsible for them:) - Aaron Ardiri PalmOS Certified Developer. This is the kind of stuff we need more of! It's even making me look at the 650 in a new light. (It is kinda cool looking.) If the handheld manufacturers are going to not enable stuff with no other reason than so they can make more money, weeeelll they are just begging for folks to do this kind of stuff to 'em!

It's an interesting topic on it's own, but my main interest is the mods! I know some foks are going to mess things up and ruin their units by trying these, but great results often happen from great risks taken. You could also think of it as evolution in action. I was always proud to be a member of the Palm community. However, there is one thing that gioes on my nerves a little bit. The Tapwave Zodiac accesses both PalmOne and Sandisk WLAN SDIO cards with the SAME driver. There's only a hard-coded device ID string in the driver that makes all the difference.

Can't one good hacker/cracker change that and get the SanDisk cards working? This would increase the platform's hardware support, and also make users and companies more adept to buy Palm powered stuff!

Just my 2 cents. Find out more about the Palm OS in my blog.

I am still happy with my treo 650 overall, but the low speaker and speakerphone volumes in phone mode are slowly pushing me back to the i-mate pda2k. I have received several e-mails from readers asking about a verizon treo 650, and i was happy to see treocentral report that. On its website, where there is also a bottom disclaimer regarding bluetooth profiles. Dun (dial-up networking) does not appear in the list and may not be supported out of the box. The verizon treo 650 will include wireless sync, which allows you to sync your e-mail when you subscribe to a pda/smartphone plan.

It is expected to be available at the end of april for us$369.99 after mail-in rebates. The last major holdout for the treo 650 is t-mobile, and its delay is why i had to purchase the gsm-unlocked version for myself. User comments 79 comment(s) mmmm 650 (12:40pm est tue apr 05 2005) i love the 650.

Boss has one and mine should be here tomorrow or next day. If you are a company and like the treo's, go ahead and get the goodlink software from Great piece of software and allows you to sync your exchange mail over the air. – by bigjerm hmmm (12:53pm est tue apr 05 2005) with exchange 2003 you can sync over the air without any extra software.

The goodlink software improves on the sync but for average corp the exchange 2003 sync should be fine. You can also sync with exchange 2000 using mobile information server. We are using the cingular siemens sx66 and find it works really well. I think it is a better produuct then the 650 from my own experence. – by pocket pc almost bought a verizon phone yesterday (12:56pm est tue apr 05 2005) until the salesman let me know the treo650 was coming out soon. I thought i was in on some big secret. I'll have to pay cash.

I'm going to start playing with “graffiti anywhere” on my t3 to see if i can get used to it. I'm a touch typest but with thumbs? I don't think so. – by baiers, ray morse oops! (12:57pm est tue apr 05 2005) typist – by b., r.

Treo 650 Dial-up Networking Over Bluetooth For Mac

Graffiti (4:12pm est tue apr 05 2005) isn't on the treo 650. U have to use the keyboard but you can add it thru third-party software – by xyz typing in backslash on a treo 650 (10:16am est thu apr 07 2005) does anyone know how to enter a backslash on a treo 650? – by mtb backslash (4:57pm est thu apr 07 2005) hit the function key (the key on the left side of the keyboard that is colored dark blue on top) and then hit the space bar. A menu will come up. The backslash is on the a key once you do that.

Hope that helps. – by dlh palm treo 650xv 6600 (2:59pm est mon apr 11 2005) anyone offer suggestions concerning these two units? I'm using a smartphone samsung i600 (not very smart with respect to meaningful software). I'd really like to have pocket pc or palm programs on my phone. – by jpcsf backslash (7:51pm est tue apr 12 2005) dlh's explanation of how to enter backslash isn't helpful. Here's how to do it.

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