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Catalog Code: WIN0429CB The Scotch has long been associated with exciting play, although people often doubt it’s positional base. But the opening has evolved from the swashbuckling games of the 19th century to become a sound, but aggressive, alternative to the evergreen Spanish. In his first Fritz-Trainer DVD, Parimarjan Negi looks at the latest revolution in Scotch theory that has completely changed white’s plans, and once again brought back the interest of the world’s elite. Negi presents not only the white strategies in detail but also outlines a dynamic way for Black to counter this latest trend.

Add to Cart Wishlist. Catalog Code: WIN0460CB Modern tournament practice has virtually surpassed the so-called 'opening theory'. Thanks to a wealth of tournament games some openings and lines develop so rapidly that even the ambitious amateur has difficulties to keep his own repertoire updated. On this DVD Kasimdzhanov presents highly topical openings and shows their current state of theory. From the perspective of a top player he explains why certain openings are played while others more or less vanished from tournament practice. This DVD helps you to remain up-to-date in a number of important and popular openings and provides you with many ideas for your own repertoire.

Add to Cart Wishlist. Catalog Code: WIN0459CB As the National Head Coach for the English Chess Federation I train many improving players, and see some typical mistakes that repeat themselves. In this DVD I have taken a large collection of games played by players, predominantly in the rating range 1600-1900, and I have looked for typical mistakes. Each theme has several examples to demonstrate typical mistakes, and there are various test throughout the DVD so that the viewer can try and find the best move in certain positions. This should be a great tool for players to use in order to improve their middlegame and endgame play. It will hopefully also highlight any areas that you need to work on in order to improve quickly.

Enjoy the DVD! Add to Cart Wishlist. Catalog Code: WIN0461CB The Owens Defence, with 1.b6, is part of a nexus of systems that are both complex and little explored, offering practical players the opportunity to get out of the book early on and pose new and difficult problems. Transpositions into other openings and structures are common, making it an ideal weapon for playing to win as Black against booked up opposition.

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On this DVD Nigel Davies shows how.b6 lines can be used to enhance an existing French Defence repertoire (for example with 1.d4 e6 2.c4 b6!?) and provide answers to 1.Nf3 and 1.c4. He also shows how 1.b6 can be used as a defence against 1.e4, for players who want to play for a win and do not mind taking risks.

Add to Cart Wishlist. Catalog Code: WIN0462CB The French Defence is one of the most reliable openings against 1 e4. The solid central pawn chain protects Black’s king and provides the basis for counter-attacks on both wings. On this DVD Grandmaster Daniel King offers you a repertoire for Black with the French. Based around ten stem games, all White’s major lines against the French are covered. The French Defence is one of the most flexible of openings.

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This DVD explores different systems so that you can always keep your opponent guessing as to your choice. Add to Cart Wishlist. Catalog Code: WIN0463CB This English Opening was my first love and this was the opening that I used to progress from the rank amateur player to 2400+ International Master. I will now share my secrets of this opening with you, in the hope that the English Opening can help you improve in a similar way. My main teaching method behind this set of two DVDs is to teach you some simple yet effective set ups, without the need to rely on memorising numerous complicated variations. I have explained what you are trying to achieve with each move and set up, then you will know what plans to put into motion in the middlegame and endgame.

Add to Cart Wishlist. Catalog Code: WIN0464CB This English Opening was my first love and this was the opening that I used to progress from the rank amateur player to 2400+ International Master.

I will now share my secrets of this opening with you, in the hope that the English Opening can help you improve in a similar way. My main teaching method behind this set of two DVDs is to teach you some simple yet effective set ups, without the need to rely on memorising numerous complicated variations. I have explained what you are trying to achieve with each move and set up, then you will know what plans to put into motion in the middlegame and endgame. Add to Cart Wishlist. Catalog Code: WIN0468CB The Spanish Opening is often called the 'Queen of Openings'.

If you master this opening, you understand a lot about chess. One of the most popular systems in the Spanish Opening is the Breyer variation, in which Black retreats his already developed knight from c6 to b8 to relocate it via d7 to better square. On this DVD, Pavel Eljanov, one of the greatest experts of the Breyer variation, shows all important variations of this system.

In 14 video lectures he gives an overview of the current state of theory. Add to Cart Wishlist. Catalog Code: WIN0466CB The English Attack against the Najdorf and the Scheveningen is one of the most exciting and entertaining variations in modern chess. The line, developed in the 1980s by the English top players John Nunn and Nigel Short, was a mainstay of such chess legends as Garry Kasparov and Vishy Anand, and is now also a favourite of players of the younger generation such as Fabiano Caruana and Alexander Grischuk. On this instructive DVD English Grandmaster Daniel Gormally, himself an accomplished attacking player, explains the most important lines of this fascinating system. Add to Cart Wishlist.

Catalog Code: WIN0467CB The Sicilian family is big but the Sicilian that puts most pressure on White’s centre is the Classical Variation – Black quickly develops both knights to their most active squares. This DVD offers Black a complete repertoire against all weapons White may employ on move six. The recommended repertoire is not as risky as other Sicilians but still offers Black plenty of counter-play. It is an ideal system for players who want to enter the wonderful world of the Sicilian. Add to Cart Wishlist.

Catalog Code: WIN0458CB In celebration of the 10th anniversary of the original 'Basics of Winning Chess', Andrew Martin is back with version 2.0 of his best-selling DVD. Chess has changed dramatically over the last decade and standards seem higher than ever. We must attempt to keep up! It is often said that the strongest players operate like machines. Once they get a winning position, they win it. Version 2.0 draws extensively from modern chess practice. Virtually all the games are instructive and of high quality. Nearly all are from recent times and many have notes, which you may use for extra study.

It gives you a roadmap for improvement. The DVD will be particularly useful for players within the rating band 1200-2200. It is a tour of the modern game.” Add to Cart Wishlist. Catalog Code: WIN0456CB This DVD concentrates on the increasingly popular 5.Bf4 variation of the Queen’s Gambit Declined and gives White a dynamic and aggressive weapon against Black’s set-up. White puts his bishop on f4 to avoid the exchanges that often occur after 5.Bg5 and as early as possible wants to put pressure on Black. At the highest level the variation with 5.Bf4 has become much more popular than the more traditional 5.Bg5 line. Top players such as Alexei Shirov, Vladimir Kramnik, Levon Aronian, Wesley So and Anish Giri play it, and Vishy Anand used it in his only victory over Carlsen in the 2014 World Chess Championship.

Chessbase Light For Mac

This DVD recommends dynamic lines for White against all set-ups by Black and gives you a good, aggressive, and reliable weapon against the Queen’s Gambit Declined. Add to Cart Wishlist. Catalog Code: WIN0457CB The Schliemann (or Jaenisch) Gambit, 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 f5, languished in semi-obscurity before top GM Teimour Radjabov revolutionised the opening with new ideas, defending his analysis with excellent results in Linares and elsewhere against the world’s best players. Black plays actively and aggressively from move 3, frequently sacrificing a pawn for open lines, kingside activity and the bishop pair. In this DVD Sam Collins provides a complete and detailed repertoire for Black.

Numerous novelties and improvements are suggested, with the conclusion that White has no clear route to an opening advantage. Refresh your repertoire and avoid the Spanish Torture with 3f5! Add to Cart Wishlist.

Catalog Code: WIN0431CB Is there an absolute truth in a flexible opening such as the Pirc Defense? After I had played and studied the Pirc intensively for more than ten years I was sure I had found the best move order against each White system. Then I stopped playing the opening for a while and when I checked new ideas I realized that things were not that simple. Thus, the repertoire I recommend on this DVD is a combination of good lines in my old repertoire that have stood the test of time and new lines inspired by my fresh look at the Pirc. When playing the Pirc one must know what to do against White‘s attacking systems. Add to Cart Wishlist.

Catalog Code: WIN0430CB Is there an absolute truth in a flexible opening such as the Pirc Defense? After I had played and studied the Pirc intensively for more than ten years I was sure I had found the best move order against each White system. Then I stopped playing the opening for a while and when I checked new ideas I realized that things were not that simple.

Thus, the repertoire I recommend on this DVD is a combination of good lines in my old repertoire that have stood the test of time and new lines inspired by my fresh look at the Pirc. Add to Cart Wishlist. Catalog Code: WIN0435CB My first chess DVD focused on various strategic middlegame themes and concepts, but in this second installment, the focus is on tactics – for after all, strategy and tactics go hand in hand, and playing strategically often leads to a resounding combinative finish. But for that to happen, you have to be able to build up positions through which tactics can flow – and this is exactly what I have illustrated on the DVD with a number of examples. The aim of this course is to help you understand how you to make tactical opportunities arise as w ell as to sharpen your tactical vision - these selected lectures will help to foster your overall tactical understanding. You can never spend too little time solving combinations and studies to improve your calculating abilities!“ Add to Cart Wishlist.

FINAL UPDATE (2018-10-21): I no longer have the cycles to work on this project. NOTE: Installer.iso images prepared based on Sierra 10.12.4 or later will hang during boot. Qemu-devel gcc detection fix for mac. Somlo See the old version of this page. Additionally, since Apple machines have become increasingly and, I can't continue considering them for any upcoming hardware refresh (which is too bad, they used to make almost perfect Linux machines for the last 20 years!). At this point QEMU and KVM are mostly capable of supporting OS X (up to Sierra), and the largest portion of the effort still required lies with edk2/ovmf (start with my fork on github as indicated below, and go from there).

Catalog Code: WIN0436CB Understanding how to use pawns and how to handle different pawn structures are important topics for young or improving players to consider. On this new ChessBase DVD, IM and FIDE Senior Trainer Andrew Martin investigates the notion that ‘pawns are the soul of chess’ and tries to explain exactly what this means. The effective use of pawns in the opening leads to the correct development of the pieces and a good game springs naturally from there. The pawn structure must be considered throughout the game and this is something that Martin also touches upon. The viewer will be treated to a tour of excellent games, both old and new, many from the period 2012-2014, which highlight key ideas about the correct use of pawns and from which one cannot fail to improve one’s technique. Thus this DVD is ideal for players below 1800 or indeed ambitious players of any level.

Add to Cart Wishlist. Catalog Code: WIN0437CB On this DVD, Mihail Marin presents the major tactical themes and options available for both sides in the Benoni. Based on an interactive format, which prompts users to solve a range of training questions by inputting moves, the well-known theoretician and Grandmaster invites you to take part and challenge yourself with a training course aimed at delivering a structured, intensive and systematic approach to learning the key positions in the Benoni as well as knowledge of a number of the defence’s tactical finesses. Add to Cart Wishlist. Catalog Code: WIN0438CB Playing the McCutcheon Variation of the French Defence (3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bg5 Bb4) immediately sharpens up the game, but quite frequently what soon arises is a positional struggle. Until recently the whole opening system was considered to be double-edged, if not downright notorious – White only had to have good knowledge about the main line. But nowadays the McCutcheon has been developing in an entirely new direction.

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Rustam Kasimdzhanov now calls 5.e5 h6 6.Bd2 the old main variation – since, as he demonstrates, Black can remarkably easily obtain a pleasant game. Add to Cart Wishlist. Catalog Code: WIN0450CB He was a child prodigy and he is surrounded by legends. In his best times he was considered to be unbeatable and by many he was reckoned to be the greatest chess talent of all time: Jose Raul Capablanca, born 1888 in Havana. At the age of 13 he became Cuban champion; in 1909 he sensationally defeated Marshall by 8:1 and was thus catapulted into the world elite. It was only after some time, since only sparse amounts of information made it across the pond, that in 1911 Capablanca achieved well-deserved recognition by leaving the elite of world chess trailing in his wake in San Sebastian.

It would however take another 10 years before the Cuban defeated the reigning world champion Emanuel Lasker in their match and wore the crown himself. Add to Cart Wishlist. Catalog Code: WIN0469CB The Berlin Wall, also known as the Berlin Defense, is one of the most solid and frequently played openings of the 21st century, and compared to the real Berlin Wall, there’s almost no chance of it falling. The DVD is divided into two parts.

In the first section, we look at what happens when White avoids the endgame in the “Anti-Berlin” systems, while the second section deals with the Berlin ending. Add the Berlin Wall into your repertoire and pass the headache of “what to play against it?” to your opponent! Add to Cart Wishlist. Catalog Code: WIN0474CB Wise and successful players of the game have always told us to study the classics – games by the great masters of the past.

But in this age of cutting-edge opening theory, preparation and engines, is studying the classics really that helpful? On this DVD, IM Shah shows you classical games of great legends such as Petrosian, Botvinnik, Fischer, Korchnoi and Kasparov, looking at typical patterns and ideas from the middlegame. The author then goes on to explain how you can use these ideas in your own battles – by showing you examples of applied classical knowledge from his own games! Add to Cart Wishlist.

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