Rapport For Mac

Posted on  by  admin
Rapport For Mac

Hi, As a new Mac convert I would like to know anyone heres thoughts / experiences of running the recommended online banking protection softwareTrusteer Rapport, as running a Mac now do I really need it? Generally surfing the net for answers I have not found any real positive answers, as with all software there are pros and cons. I did find one thread here on the forum which only talked about installation issues. Appreciate any feedback as a Mac user now I really do not want to install or run windows based software. Hi neilf, Thanks for this positive post and good to here there are no conflicts, while on my EX Windows PCs I always used it, but as schweb said (You don't need it.) I did read through the thread you linked to last week. And I have been reading about the Mac products X OS regarding Windows viruses and Malware for the past two or three weeks, and the fact that the Mac OS like Linux does not recognise what a Windows virus is, was part of the reasons I have now fully gone over to Mac.

It is just that when it comes to internet banking Im still a little bit twitchy regarding security. I know at the end of the day it comes down to the users choice, but it is always good to make an informed decision. You don't need it. Many member ask the question about viruses and malware on the Mac and in addition to using the function at the top of the forum, you'll find almost all your answers here: Not a case of whether you need it but more a case of if you decline the offer then something happens with your accounts, scam etc. I take the view that it's wiser not to give the banks any get out of jail free card.

Rapport For Macbook

RapportRapport For Mac

It's hard enough to get them to honour their obligations as it is. I have it on my Mac and it doesn't cause me any issues but it does provide me with a small crumb of comfort.

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